Friday, March 11, 2022

Week Five: Set Design, Props, Lighting, Costume Design Planning and Shot List for Third Filming Portion

Hey guys! New day, new ideas, more progress, yay! Today I am going to go over planning for the set design, props, costume design, and lighting for the third and final film portion, as well as the shot list for it. 

Let's start with the costume design, set design, and props. For this last filming portion, Claire is in the darkest stage, as she has reached age 18 and is leaving her house. She will be dressed in all black clothing, with a black beanie. She will have thick mascara and a noticeable lipstick. This will help to demonstrate how she is dark, yet rebellious at the same time. The bed sheets will be a dark gray or black, along with the pillows. There will be nothing much hanging on the walls, demonstrating how she has truly given up in trying to make her household experience better. Her desk will be messy, with thrown change and old school papers showing her messy lifestyle, yet pretty empty as she is leaving her house on that specific day. This will also help to highlight how she is not trying much in school compared to the previous filming portion where she had an orderly notebook beside her desk, and how she is leaving behind school along. Her room will be rather empty, with only some old frames laying around her room to portray how she is leaving behind her family (through the portraits). 

This is an example of how Claire's costume design will look:

As Claire walks out of her room and into the living room, the living room will be even messier than the last time we saw the living room (in the first filming portion). There will be thrown pillows on the floor, a messy table with old papers and old food, and Claire's parents will be the center of attention with them being pretty much passed out. As Claire gets out of her house and into her friend's car, the first thing we see of the car is the trunk. The trunk will have a lot of trash (fast food bags), just dirty in general symbolizing how Claire is up for some trouble. Additionally, as she opens the car door, the side of the car door will have a pack of old cigarettes, and the car will look messy on the inside as well with trash. 

Let's talk about the lighting. The previous filming portion was significantly dark, but this final portion will show how she is the darkest she has ever been. There will be minimal lighting with the window completely closed and her door closed as well, trying to block out anyone in her household. 

Now that we've gone over that, let's move on to the shot list for the third filming portion:

  1. Mid shot pan from calendar to Claire laying on her bed 

  2. Long shot showing Claire getting up from her bed and going to her desk

  3. mid shot of Claire turning the speaker volume down and getting marker to go to calendar

  4. Over the shoulder shot of Claire scratching off the date on the calendar and circling the date titled “18th bday, Move out!!”

  5. Close up shot of Claire’s happy face then she hears beep so she changes her face to one that looks like “oh I gotta go”

  6. Long shot of Claire getting her luggage and bags that are already near her door and opening her door 

  7. Jump cut of her walking out of the passageway towards the front door of the house

  8. Close up of Claire as she looks back at the living room with a sad face, kind of doubting that she’s leaving

  9. POV shot of parents laying around, lazy and drunk

  10. Close up shot of Claire’s face demonstrating frustration and not doubting herself leaving

  11. Mid shot of Claire opening the door and walking out

  12. Jump cut to opening the trunk of her friends car

  13. Close up of Claire putting her baggage in the trunk 

  14. Close up of Claire closing trunk

  15. Long shot showing Claire walking towards the main door of the car

  16. Jump cut of Claire opening the door of the car showing how their are cigarettes on side of the door

  17. Mid shot of Claire buckling her seatbelt

  18. Mid shot of Claire telling her friend “Oh finally I’m out of this hellhole”

As you can tell, this is the longest filming portion, but I think it is the most exciting one!! I can't wait for this portion to be over because I want to start editing and seeing just how awesome this film opening video is going to be AHHHH!!!

Next time I'll be talking about our transition to editing, as well as sound research for this third filming portion! 
Your fav,
Natalia Ballinas

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Film Opening Video

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