Saturday, March 26, 2022

Week 7: Editing Second Filming Portion

Hey guys! Today we will be talking about our editing for the second filming portion. This portion is teenager Claire (15 years old) as she is transitioning to her older, darker self. To remind you, it still involves some signs of hope like school papers on her desk, but there are other signs that foreshadow a dark future. For this filming portion, our editing process required slightly a bit more detail than the last, but was overall not too long. The longest filming portion will be the third filming portion as it has the longest clips and is where we will include the title and other extra details, so I'm glad that we left 2 days for that editing process. No more talking, let's get to it!

First off, we shortened the clips so that they properly fit the video and flow (like in our editing of the first filming portion). This was quick and easy. Next, we tackled the sound. In this filming portion, there are several sound factors that we need to incorporate from outside (internet and made up). In this part of the video, Claire is listening to sad music during most of the scene, so we had to research the sound for this. Like we said before (last week when we were talking about sound), we emailed a company because we wanted rights to use a song by Sam Smith in this part of our video. However, they never got back to us, so we decided that it will be easier and the same as effective to use a song from online that is already copyright free and available to use legally. For this part, we researched several websites but finalized on the song titled, "Ballero" from I added this to our video in the portion that it required, and tada! Done! 

Quick Glimpse of our video editing with the sound being integrated:

Next, we created some sound effects that were needed in our video like a parent calling from a distance and parents arguing from a distance. We thought about this hard as we were not sure whether it would be better to find this sound effect online or make our own. However, there wasn't much available online, and we also concluded that because the sound is supposed to be heard from a distance, it will be very complicated to find a sound that we approve as this part of our sound effect has to be very specific. So, we made our own. This wasn't hard to make because my parents know how to yell at me (JK HAHA!), but my parents actually did take a major role in the making of this sound effect as they were the main producers. I recorded it through voice memos on the iPhone, uploaded it to the computer, and vuala! Done! 

That pretty much sums up the editing for our second filming portion. The lighting did not have to be manipulated with much because the entirety of this scene is in Claire's room, so the lighting that we filmed the clips with was appropriate for the mood we want to give off. Well, that's a wrap for today. Join me next time where we will be talking about our editing process for our third filming portion and a film reflection for our production of this third filming portion (I promised this a while ago but I've had so much to write about I've forgotten! But no more waiting anymore!)

As always,

Natalia Ballinas

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